24 Aug

We are pleased to welcome Jon Sullivan as a new member of the BCNA Board. Jon has a background in urban planning and zoning, which are important issues for our neighborhood.

For 2022-2023, the following are the Officers, Board and Committee Chairs of the Back Cove Neighborhood Association of Portland, Maine. 

Gretchen Stanton - President

David Torresen - Vice President

John Spritz - Secretary

Judy Montgomery - Treasurer, Chair Open Space and Recreation Committee

David Very - Chair Community Events and Membership Committee

Lydia Wagner - Chair Traffic and Safety Committee

Carol Colton - Chair of Aging in Place Initiative

Jeff Blake

Jacki Cohen

Bruce Gobi

Jon Sullivan

Andrew Zarro

There are still vacancies on the Board and we would be delighted to have more members. Please contact us at info@backcoveportland.org for more information.

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